Spring time
After hibernation,
After hibernation,
let's socialize
Collaboration is the key for creative projects!
Irene Gutierrez
SpainRomain Ferrand
BelgiumBrieuc de Goussencourt
BelgiumValeria Fernández
USAJuan Sepulchre
BelgiumOlivier Jourdain
BelgiumPiero Cioffi
ItalySebastien Wielemans
BelgiumFidel Enriquez
MexicoSebastien De Buyl
BelgiumFélix Bach
VietnamMaxime Steiner
Romain Ferrand
Expressing the unspeakable is the main mission of Romain.
As a cinematographer, feeling the subconscious emotions between the lines of a scene, whether visually impressive or intimate and organic, is truly a special, cosmic moment for him. His approach to light and framing combines storytelling, aesthetics and subconscious emotions. To make it short, light is the key for him!
Instagram account: @rom_ferrand
Website: romainferrand.com
Grizzly Work: