After hibernation,
let's socialize
Collaboration is the key for creative projects!
Irene Gutierrez
SpainRomain Ferrand
BelgiumBrieuc de Goussencourt
BelgiumValeria Fernández
USAJuan Sepulchre
BelgiumOlivier Jourdain
BelgiumPiero Cioffi
ItalySebastien Wielemans
BelgiumFidel Enriquez
MexicoSebastien De Buyl
BelgiumFélix Bach
VietnamMaxime Steiner
Fidel Enriquez
Fidel grew up between two cultures, Mexico and Cuba, coming and going from one place to the other. He likes the idea of not being isolated, being able to fly from one culture to another. Building bridges between cultures is his leitmotiv.
After having been graduated from the International School of Film and Television of San Antonio de Los Baños in Cuba, Fidel took part in different audiovisual production, and coordinated different spaces and cultural activities in Mexico City. He has been the coordinator of the documentary network "Doctubre" in the frame of the International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico City, which promotes and exhibits documentaries in different communities throughout the country of Mexico.
He teamed up with Valeria Fernandez to co-direct short documentaries for the multi-awarded webdocumentary “Connected Walls”.
Instagram: @caminante_cdmx
Twitter: @EnriquezFid
Grizzly Work: